1. Water is awful
2. Family is amazing
My second week on the job could have stood to be a bit more boring as Bismarck has been impacted by the Corp-created flood. It’s amazing to see how much has changed in a week: the amount of sandbags, the fear in the unknown, and the rise of the river. A week ago, I was sitting eating lunch by the riverbank thinking that it’s awful high and now people are being forced to evacuate and change their lives. I hate it. I hate how this is impacting my family. Lynn and Grace are in danger of losing their houses, their lives are being turned upside down and their days are filled with words like levee, mold, 150,000 cfs, corps, whatif, and sandbag. Both families aren’t sure what will happen, when they can come home, and what they will come home to.
I’ve been amazed at how the family has come together to help them prepare and protect. Prepare their houses and remove everything that they can, from the photos to the carpet and appliances and protect their homes from the oncoming water. It’s not that I doubted it, but once again I feel safe knowing that my family would be there if I need them.
I also had the opportunity to meet Matt’s family as he took me home for a graduation party. I met his mother, father, grandmother, best friend, and family friends. I liked watching him in his element and he only squirmed when they started telling me Matt-stories and when his mom brought out the pictures. I will admit, thinking about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pajamas brings a smile to my face! His family was so nice and I’m looking forward to going back up later this month for his best friend’s wedding.
When we were coming back through Minot, we realized that Bismarck/Mandan is not the only ones fighting flood. The Souris was higher than I’d ever seen; it was coming over the bridges, rerouting traffic, and flooding the streets. I found out yesterday that they began mandatory evacs of parts of the city. Then this morning, I watched a convoy of military vehicles heading north. Breaks my heart.
House hunting has been slow and painful. I put an offer on a house and was rejected and I need to be okay with that…something will come along. I’m also not sure what’s going to happen with my house as the inspection ordered by the buyer came back and it wasn’t so favorable. I’m hoping the demanding market in Dickinson will continue to drive the sale.
The week had another highlight with Alaina’s graduation. We celebrated on Sunday with family and friends. She looked very nice and I’m excited to see her future start unfolding with her last “free” summer and starting college in the fall. I was there when she got her roommate assignment; I know she’s pretty excited. She’ll do wonderful…I know she can do anything that she puts her mind to.
“Are you upset little friend? Have you been lying awake worrying? Well, don't worry...I'm here. The flood waters will recede, the famine will end, the sun will shine tomorrow, and I will always be here to take care of you.” -Charlie Brown to Snoopy
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