Work has been crazy lately! We’ve been working to rebuild the Masterminds program…if you’d like to see more info, check out the February issue of the City Magazine. It’s a business/networking group for women that own their own businesses. We had a great turn out the beginning of the month. They are really a curious bunch that is willing to share and learn from each other! Other things that have been happening include a trip to the legislative hall…one to host a NDYP social with the legislators and one to take the Leadership Dickinson students there. I was glad that they were so close together, it allowed me to have some nice carry-over for the students.
I’ve also been surrounding myself with good friends. We had a girls-night this month, we met to play games but after sampling Mama Rosina’s cheesecake…we got distracted by good conversation! Scott came down to visit me again but because of the Anti-super bowl party plans, he couldn’t stay long. The girls had previously decided to hunker down and take in some movies and hot toddies(and NOT watch the football game)! Aubrey and Becca did decide to take on the driveway before we settled in…I was amazed at the “damage” they did to the snow! What good friends!
This past weekend I took a quick trip home to attend the God’s Child Dream Maker’s Ball. It was a great event to raise awareness and funds for the God’s Child Project. It was amazing to see photos from the Guatemala project…it took me right back there. The best part of going was that Mom and Grace also attended! It was fun to share something that was a big deal to me with them…and they are always a riot…I’m so blessed with good family.
The only down spot was that I got really sick on Sunday night/Monday morning. I don’t know what happened but I’m still working up my strength. I’m not a good sick person but despite my illness, I had a nice Valentine’s Day snuggled up with two kitties! It was Lola’s “anniversary” date with me and TonyDanza was so comfortable under the covers that he snored! It made me giggle a bit!
“The difference between friends and pets is that friends we allow into our company, pets we allow into our solitude.” –Robert Brault
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