
Sunday, March 28, 2010

No Rest for the Wicked!

Can’t believe it’s the last week in March! This month has been bittersweet…I want it to go by fast, but if it does than I lose time to work on things!

The grant review is in final stages, in fact as I type, I’m waiting for the consultants to give me feedback on the 40 pages of text we’ve sent. This review is twofold…As part of a requirement, we are supposed to report on what we have done, what we have learned, and what we plan for the coming year. The second part is that the review will determine if they will talk with us about setting up another granting cycle. In other words, will Amanda (and assistant Julie) have a job after May 31, 2011. It has been so stressful. I was working late nights, napping when I could, working from home, and had developed an eye twitch from the stress. It will be so good to send the final copy in!

This week, I also spoke on a Women’s Voices Panel at DSU. This was a huge honor for a couple reasons, Grandma Dar spoke on the panel last year called “Breaking Barriers” and told 4 women’s stories of how they broke through some boundaries that have since allowed women’s professions to completely change. The other aspect is that they considered me worthy of speaking, the other three women were incredible…Kristin Hedger (KMM and democratic political office candidate), Brenna Daugherty (ND Humanities Council), and Sarah Snavely (World selling sculptor). I was very nervous and hope that I did a great job. Two things made me feel nice-many friends that I have made in Dickinson came to see me and also people afterward came to up to me and identified with some of the things I said. It was amazing to see similarities in the four of us women…we were all raised rural and we all had liberal arts degrees. I would never have guessed before we sat down and started telling out story.

Saturday was another adventure. I met with Stacy Sturm (of Brady and Stacy in the morning…taking me back to my y-93 days) and Nicole Morrison-Mathern. These women own URL radio. We had supper at the Evil Olive and hung out with the band at night. Julie was SUPPOSE to play bass with the band, but wasn’t able to because of her little one being sick. We took a rain check! I also brought Amy Jo out to enjoy in the drinking, dancing, and laughing. I’m looking forward to the relationship that we’re creating with URL…they are such inspirational creative women. It’s amazing what they are able to do and think of! Below are pics with Nicole and George C and myself with Stacy!

On a weather note…I’m proud to announce that the snow is finally taking the hint and is mostly melted…I actually have a WHOLE driveway again. That hasn’t happened since November! We had a few beautiful days this week but don’t get too excited…the weather isn’t let us get to geared up for spring yet…there were some cold ones. I actually took a peek in the garden and think that my flowers are TRYING to poke winter away!

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