Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Pinch Me...Seriously...PINCH ME!
I found out today that I’m going to Guatemala and El Salvador! Seriously! I am going with Stacy and Nicole, those URL girls who keep making things happen! WOW! We are going to help out with the God’s Child Program, see Lake Atitlan, Mayan Ruins, salsa dancing, human trafficking, AHHH! I’m so excited I could just scream! Okay SO I did a little.
Not only am I excited about this but I’m living off the high of getting my grant review in yesterday!
So I set up my appointment to report my passport lost, which I contribute to the move. I planned on having my pic retaken and paying for it to be expedited to make sure it got here in time. So I went to look for my birth certificate. I couldn’t find the original…started freaking out AGAIN! Seriously how do all these important things get lost in one move? I went through my MISC folder and I found my diploma. There it was in my diploma was my passport! WHAT! And inside the passport was my original birth certificate! WHAT! I’m so ready to book my flight and hop down to Middle America! Stay TUNED!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
No Rest for the Wicked!
The grant review is in final stages, in fact as I type, I’m waiting for the consultants to give me feedback on the 40 pages of text we’ve sent. This review is twofold…As part of a requirement, we are supposed to report on what we have done, what we have learned, and what we plan for the coming year. The second part is that the review will determine if they will talk with us about setting up another granting cycle. In other words, will Amanda (and assistant Julie) have a job after May 31, 2011. It has been so stressful. I was working late nights, napping when I could, working from home, and had developed an eye twitch from the stress. It will be so good to send the final copy in!
This week, I also spoke on a Women’s Voices Panel at DSU. This was a huge honor for a couple reasons, Grandma Dar spoke on the panel last year called “Breaking Barriers” and told 4 women’s stories of how they broke through some boundaries that have since allowed women’s professions to completely change. The other aspect is that they considered me worthy of speaking, the other three women were incredible…Kristin Hedger (KMM and democratic political office candidate), Brenna Daugherty (ND Humanities Council), and Sarah Snavely (World selling sculptor). I was very nervous and hope that I did a great job. Two things made me feel nice-many friends that I have made in Dickinson came to see me and also people afterward came to up to me and identified with some of the things I said. It was amazing to see similarities in the four of us women…we were all raised rural and we all had liberal arts degrees. I would never have guessed before we sat down and started telling out story.
Saturday was another adventure. I met with Stacy Sturm (of Brady and Stacy in the morning…taking me back to my y-93 days) and Nicole Morrison-Mathern. These women own URL radio. We had supper at the Evil Olive and hung out with the band at night. Julie was SUPPOSE to play bass with the band, but wasn’t able to because of her little one being sick. We took a rain check! I also brought Amy Jo out to enjoy in the drinking, dancing, and laughing. I’m looking forward to the relationship that we’re creating with URL…they are such inspirational creative women. It’s amazing what they are able to do and think of! Below are pics with Nicole and George C and myself with Stacy!
On a weather note…I’m proud to announce that the snow is finally taking the hint and is mostly melted…I actually have a WHOLE driveway again. That hasn’t happened since November! We had a few beautiful days this week but don’t get too excited…the weather isn’t let us get to geared up for spring yet…there were some cold ones. I actually took a peek in the garden and think that my flowers are TRYING to poke winter away!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Who Wouldn't Want This Day?
I so had one of those days today…the only thing that could have made it better was it actually being sunny..not 31 with snowish thoughts…Brrrr!
It started with Janice: Here is the actual excerpt from an email chain that I had with her!
Me: You are funny. I do miss you like crazy. We will need to talk soon and catch up…But I’m glad that you are getting a laptop…you’ll be more more accessible to me!
AJ: Am stewing over Jerry. He was "acting" dense tonight and I wonder why some men just do not get it - even when you draw a picture.... Remember the night I gave him the finger when he walked away? We had such fun.... you and me.
Me: Just thinking of you doing that made me laugh…that was right after the tornado! You should’ve just killed him. I would’ve helped you and you could’ve moved in with me.
AJ: You are so cute. My laugh for the day. We could have buried him in one of the flower gardens!!!!!
She kills ME! Well…not in the same way we strategize against Jerry!
Then my day continued with Julie at the office. We have been working with URL radio, and internet based radio station in Bismarck as a way to spread word about COCO and Community Development. The owners are Stacy Sturm and Nicole Morrison-Mathern. They have decided to come out to Dickinson this Saturday to support two of the dj’s who play in a band 7Tall. On their facebook page, they were running a deal that whoever was their number 666 fan to add them would be able to play bass in with them some night. I rigged it so it was Julie! They informed her that they’ll get her jamming and she’ll also be required to take a shot of choice with them. All I could do was giggle! I’m so taking pics of cute lil Julie with a big bass and and a rock band!
We are at a great place with the grant review. We actually started piecing things together! This is the furthest we’ve come and I left work feeling very good about the whole thing. Our drafts are into the consultants for a final review and we are to have it to the Bush Foundation by Wednesday! I think we’ll be ahead of schedule! It feels like a weight lifted off my chest. I might get to bed before midnight tonight!
The cherry on the top was getting my victoria’s secret credit card bill. For those that don’t know…I buy most of my clothes through VS; including jeans, dress clothes, casual shirts, even boots. So when I do order and get a bill, I’m usually not happy. Well I’ve been paying my bills online lately…so when I opened it I realized that I overpaid last time, I've built a budget in for my next shopping fun. VS owes me money!
Could this day GET any better??
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Working for the Weekend!
I’m still working on the grant review but this week there was too much chaos to give as much time as I’d like. I’m done with all the financials, which I have been doing when I don’t want to do the narratives. Oh no! We are over half way through the narratives so we are making headway. I have been taking them home at night and hope to have all the major writing done Monday morning so we can piece everything together, create the transitions, put in the pictures, and send to a consultant for final proofing.
I got my tattoo touched up on Thursday. Wow…I didn’t realize that it had faded as bad as it had. It looks phenomenal now, thanks “In the Flesh”. It seems to be tattoo season—Candy got a new one, Tiffy got her’s added to, I guess it’s a sort of spring fever?
The week ended with a YP planned party-bus trip. I had completely forgotten about it but was reminded when we didn’t get the numbers that we had hoped for. It was a great trip. We took the bus to Wibaux’s Beaver Creek Brewery. I had a Sip and Go Naked..it’s a light lemonade beer. We then went to the Rainbow Club, which is known for the fish. I had to have the steak sandwich..really well cooked! We ended the night at the Golva Bar, which was built in the 1940’s and has the original bar! It was cool to see the mirrors and curved wood. I even left my mark on the bar (or the ceiling!)! The best part was Tiffy came out to have a night getaway. No surprise she gravitated right for the locals! She’s such a social butterfly like no one else I know! It was good to spend some time with Miss Rodeo ND!
The other thing that has been eating at me is I’m at the age where friends are losing their grandparents. I’ve had three people close to me lose either their grandma or grandpa. It’s so scary, my heart and thoughts go out to these three strong willed women and I hope they and their families are supporting each other in the loss. It makes me realize that I did talk to all three of my grandparents this week. They have impacted my life, each in their own way. I am so lucky to have the love and support of each of them and a great aunt that I adore.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Beach, Badlands, Blackhills...
I determined that my washing machine was not broken…my main drainage line was plugged. I made friends with George, president and CEO of George’s Drain and Sewage Cleaning. His bill was much cheaper than paying for new appliances! For awhile I had water coming in the house in 2 places. I’m still having the leaking that I did last spring but one swimming pool is better than two unplanned swimming pool.
Work has been crazy. Julie and myself worked from my home for the most part. We got a lot done but there’s just a lot of narrative to write! To top it off, there is so much happening right now that needs other attention. For example, I went and spoke to the Beach Area Chamber of Commerce about the HTC model. They seem really interested so we’ll see if they want to become involved. Their community is so interesting they have this little artistic cultural hub in middle of nowhere ND, it’s really refreshing to see so many of their residents care about their community and each other.
Friday, Candy came out to Dickinson as a prelude to National Irish
I also was able to take in Julie’s son’s hockey game with her, Sierra(her daughter), and another co-worker, Deanna. It was fun to watch. I had forgotten how much I enjoy watching hockey. For their age group (about 10), they already have a pretty amazing skill set!

We also were able to wander the town with open containers…it was like a Vegas with snow. The prices were all really reasonable too, which made me think…hmmm…maybe next year again! Funny thing is, this is not my first out of state St Pat’s celebration. I went and visit Matt Wald in Denver a few spring breaks ago. It feels good to take the short escapes!
My mother’s birthday was this week! She makes me giggle but I felt bad for her as her least favorite day also happened…spring ahead. She hates the switch forward of clocks and combined with all the mud from the melting..I’m sure she’s ready for spring to be over. It’s hard to believe that her birthday starts off the chain of the rest of my families, it will be my sister’s 18th next month…a scary thought!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
ICE! ICE! Baby!
Julie, my assistant(department of 2!), asked me to help her and her husband with Learn to Skate…ages 3-8 on the ice. I’m proud to admit, I did not fall once! Sure I was sore and wobbled a few times but I never fell on accident. It was fun to see how these kids were fearless and some of them really picked it up quickly. Thanks to Don for tying my skates everyday!
We had some great weather this week, in fact I found my front walk and most of my driveway! Well, almost. We had a ton of fog in Dickinson but one day of straight melting. It was such a nice sign that spring might actually be on the way! The interesting part was that sometime in November my phonebook was delivered to the front door. Well, it melted enough and it emerged this week! Surprise! It was too heavy to pick up tho!
I was on the road a little for work too. I went to Watford City for our RLND course. This week the message was on communication. We had Pat Heim speak about the way men and women communicate in personal and professional relationships. It was great. It came down to the games that children play growing up. After all, you can’t win at dolls, there is no goal or points in it either and to top it off there is no Boss(MVP)-Doll player! Her speech reminded me how much I enjoyed my women/gender studies classes.
I also was in Medora to work further with their community campaign. They are such an amazing community. I’m excited to see how their “breaking down barriers” events go. I will be making a few drives there in the next couple months to capture the impact that my department/program has had. It’s this type of work that makes me smile and realize that I really do like my job.
I also got new furniture. I replaced my couch and living room chair. I will not have to delint the furniture everyday now. It’s brown bomber jacket leather. My living room seating went from 3ish to 6ish! I kept the old stuff, the chair went in the office and the couch tried to go in the office, but not so much! I had to put it downstairs. The cats aren’t happy with me. They don’t like the new stuff and are really disoriented. TonyDanza has been protesting it and keeps checking on the old stuff…like if he revisits it enough it will return to where it’s suppose to! I’m working on changing some things in the house right now…I need a refreshed look! The house hasn’t changed too much in the past couple months and so I’m going to keep my eye out for making little changes. I bought new curtains, ones that look “springy-er”. They look really nice up!
The best part of the week was going out on Saturday night. I went out with Candy and her sister, Aubrey, to see Candy’s boyfriend’s band, Fully Loaded. We danced, laughed, and sang along. State team darts was in town and everyone went to Army’s afterward and I got to surprise Ryan, Aaron, and Toad (all Strike Co-workers), Scott and Kendall (Blind Duck Alumni), and Danny (DSU scene). I had so much fun recatching up! What a blast! I really do need to make a trip back to Minot, seeing all the guys made me miss Amy and Kelli more!
The only problem I’ve had this week that’s got me bummed is that my washer started acting up today. It had an accident all over the laundry room floor. I’m hoping it’s fixable. I’ll be calling fix-it people tomorrow and hopefully I’ll be back in business soon!