I have been trying to organize the house more. Last weekend it was the spice cupboard. I’m actually proud of the organization that I have been trying to do for the past 6 months! It looks so nice. I did not realize all the spices that I had. I don’t know if I’ll ever have to buy seasoning salt or onion powder ever again in my life! My next goal is to conquer the office!
This past weekend I’ve had Lola for a year, I can’t imagine my house without her! She may be the naughtier one of the two, but I think it’s along the lines of “second-child syndrome”. She is shameless in her jumping but also in her loving. She couldn’t help but crawl up the back of my sweatshirt on Sunday when I was laying in the sun taking a nap. You can’t get mad at that!
I had a big week at work. My department (of two :)) signed a contract with a local radio station, http://www.urlradio.net/, to advertise our local non profits and my program. We have not done this before. I’m looking forward to how this will impact our fourth year of the grant. I also have started initial conversations with a speaker from Kentucky that I hope to bring out. She wrote a book called, Small Town Sexy: the allure of living in small town America. The idea behind the book is discovering what is “sexy” or attractive about living in a small town. I can’t help but think of two examples that ring this home. Gilmore Girls, one of the best TV shows ever, celebrates everything small town: the characters, the celebrations, the politics, all adding to the character of a small town. My mother is the second example, she can’t go anywhere without people knowing her or “sharing their stories”. It’s part of the small town feel, that a town is people not buildings or streets.
A monumental thing that happened this week was having my tarot cards read. I have never been a “full believer” thinking that everything is “in the cards” but I was amazed at what happened. URL Radio actually read them over the air, the reader has never met me or even heard my voice but his reading was so right on. I actually found myself crying as I listened and heard what was happening in my life. The past card had to deal with finances and self-worth. The present card showed that a mother figure was in my life and helping me while being balanced. The future card demonstrated that I was going to go through an emotional healing from a loss. The reader said he wasn’t sure if the reading was helping so he pulled a clarification card. He said that I’m struggling because of the uncertainties in my life and I’m not seeing reality as it is. The solution from the reading is that I need to focus on the positive and remember happy memories, doing this will result in a balance and a continuation toward a positive future. The whole experience is one that I will never forget and one that gives me hope. It was a perfect sign to show that I will keep working on me and I will be okay. The reader also said that I need to eat a salad, after all that-I listened!
Ok, so I totally need to start making it a habit to come visit every week, cuz I was WAY behind. Just wanted to comment that the tarot card reading was incredible, you will keep healing, I love you, and I'm glad you ate a salad ;)