I’ve been seeing a lot of cows lately, well bulls specifically! Between helping Dad give haircuts to bulls, designer this year’s bull flyer, and sitting at Bull Days-I’ve seen a lot of bull! Mom, Dad, and Alaina brought out 5 bulls on the 16th to Dickinson for the day. They looked pretty good.
I’ve also been pushing myself into the dating scene…UGH! I forgot how much work that can be. One of my goals is to write a book someday and I think this is all part of the grand scheme to build material for the different sections. There are really all types out there—guys infatuated with their dogs, guys with too much baggage, guys with ex-girlfriends, guys with egos. It’s not like I’m expecting perfection but it does amaze me how these guys can have a relationship with any type of woman—I guess it really does take all kinds!
Work is going to start getting busy in the next little bit. I’m coming up on my second grant review. Because my position is 100% grant funded, we have to review and report back our work and findings each year to our large grantor. Last year was exceptionally difficult because I came in the middle of the year and there was a financial mess. This year, I hope to demonstrate the project growth and have a sound grasp on the finances.
Lola and TonyDanza are really demonstrating their personalities lately. Lola is known for her mur-meowing. She announces herself when she walks into a room…or when she can’t get into a room. I’ve been locking them both out of the bedroom at night and Lola seems to think that she should get in…and tells me that AND tries to crawl under the door! TonyDanza has become quite the snuggler, he will crawl under the covers or sit on my chest—as long as Lola doesn’t come along, then he high-tails it! Both have taken a strange liking to the tub, I will find them sitting in it all the time! Maybe they're asking for a bath!
haha this picture made me smile ... reminded me of kemo :)