What a week…I’m getting this post out a bit later than normal. Not for lack of want, but because we’ve been away! Matt and I decided that we needed to take a mini-vacation. We’ve been hating the weather and we decided to get out of town a bit. With the UMAS (Upper Midwest Aviation Symposium) the first few days of March, we added a couple days in the front and got out of town to Grand Forks.
The Ralph...Hockey memories |
While the weather didn’t break at all for us, when we got there it was -30, the change in latitudes really helped our attitudes. We started Friday off with Matt’s advisor, Kim and her husband, John, with a friend, Paul at the Little Bangkok. The sushi was so good and the rice was so fluffy. We’ve been content with the quality that we’ve had in Dickinson but this was definitely better. Our favorite roll was the DeMers roll, which was fried, it had a great crisp to it. After dinner, we headed downtown Grand Forks to catch the Sioux game and enjoy a few drinks. Aside from the cold, it was a good night.
The next day, we woke up early to pack it all in.
Aviation Hall where he spent time |
First: Lingonberry crepes and biscuits and gravy at IHOP
2. Matt’s favorite Target, the real Super Target, which made Bismarck’s look like a C-store.
3. Cabella’s for their spring blow out sale. Matt’s was bummed with the store selection.
4. Matt’s personalized tour of Grand Forks.
5. Lunch at the Red Pepper. I can see why this is one of Matt’s favorites. You couldn’t beat price and quality. Primo College Hangout.
One of Matt's former employers |
6. Columbia Mall, after a brief stroll, we settled for new shoes for Matt, was super impressed with the customer service we received at Trade Home.
7. Gordman’s Shopping Spree.
8. Trip downtown for Nachos and drinks at Bonzer’s. I should have taken pics of the drinks…that place sure made a beer look cute!
9. Quick nap at the hotel
Where Matt used to buy "chew". We are
assuming it's not open. |
10. Pizza at Rhombus Guys. Matt hadn’t been there before but I thought they were awesome. We had a Big Dog pizza with pepperoni, sausage, jalapenos….so good and had enough for breakfast the next day!
On Sunday, Matt and I made a big decision. We like king sized beds. We’d had one in the hotel and even with overstuffed pillows, we couldn’t believe how much a bit of room made a difference. So we began to look at bedroom sets and we hit all the furniture places. The hard part is that Matt wants an armoire, and they don’t make them anymore and if they do they aren’t what he’s looking for or it’s the Amish making them. And while the quality of the Amish sets are wonderful, the pricetag that comes with them isn’t in our ideal. In the midst of our shopping we took in appetizers of stuffed pickles at the Wild Hog and then barbecue platters at
Dickie’s. Sunday was more exploring of the area including our own personal tour of some of the neighborhoods including those that probably were impacted by the floods and the big houses that weren’t.
Matt's Summer Employer |
Sunday night kicked off Matt’s conference. I’ve met many of the guys that continue to attend these and it’s fun to see Matt enjoy their company as there is a common understanding. We toured some of the grounds of the Grand Forks Airport including their new hanger, the FedEx Facility, the Snow Removal Equipment Building, a drive by the terminal, and the UND Maintenance Building.
Monday, we divided ways. Matt went to the conference and I took in the spouse’s track. Usually it’s a big to-do with aspects in the community. This one was a bit downplayed. We did have a good time and the North Dakota Museum of Art. We met our tour guides, Matt and Curtis, who went around the exhibits with us. They had 2 very distinct exhibits shown including a Native American piece depicting the Spirit Lake Reservation
UND's hanger/buildings |
and then a drawing piece by a Canadian artist, Arnold Saper. His portrait series, specifically highlighting the portrayal of criminals was one that intrigued me. How does one get inspiration from such a dark part? My favorite part of the tour was “Barton’s Place”. Barton Lidice Benes was an
Matt's "Carpet" flying reference |
influential aspect to the museum on UND’s campus. As tribute to him and his style, they reconstructed his NY apartment on the upperfloor of the museum. The only aspect that was changed was the kitchen was not included and the ceilings were two foot lower. I’ve never seen something like this. Barton liked the weird things…like Bill Clinton’s cough drop, an armadillo shell, a complete bug collection, Sean Penn’s jock strap, a foot of an elephant made into a foot stool, a stuffed lap dog, and on and on. I didn’t even know where to look. I won’t lie, the bust of the 8 foot giraffe was my favorite.
Greek row with Matt's Anchor |
After reviewing the museum, and participating in an art exhibit, we went and took in the café. They had a really unique menu. My father would have hated it and gone hungry but it did intrigue me. I ended up having a salmon BLT, which was amazing. It was accompanied with a bowl of coconut milk, black bean, chicken, lime soup. I felt pretty adventurous trying it. I fared much better than others, like the one who had the vegan chili. Overall it was a memorable and enjoyable morning. From there the bus dropped us spouses off at the mall. The ironic part, 6 women went into the mall, 2 left without bags of any sort, and those that did buy didn’t buy enough to equal $100. What are
Matt's Frat House |
the odds! They left us there for 3 hours! We ended up having a nice visit and getting to know each other quite a bit. That made for a good day on the Tuesday, as we all hung out together and made our own fun.
Matt’s conference was the norm, nothing too wild and crazy. Senator Heitkamp and Representative Cramer did make an appearance but overall the conference was a good networking event and session for Matt. I did attend the banquet with him on Tuesday night.
Correctional Facility in G.F. |
While Matt was looking for text books,
I found my own fun! |
On Wednesday, we packed up and made the trip home. The roads weren’t what we were hoping for so we took our time and made the trip back as quick as possible. We did have a stop in Bismarck with our tax guy as we filed together, first time as a married couple. We won’t have to worry where we spend the refund but won’t have to cut a check either…I’ll take that as a win.
At the bookstore, where it "all" began. |
Best Meal: WHERE DO I START? Here’s the kicker, I started the trip off right with the asian pork wanton tacos that I made. I was so impressed with the crisp and the flavor. I got the inspiration for these from our Asian add-on in our Bountiful Basket. SO that meal was pretty amazing.
Then we had the amazing sushi.
Then we had grinders and tostados at the Red Pepper.
Then we had pizza at Rhombus.
Then we had brisket and pulled pork at Dickie’s.
Then we had mussels at the Bistro in our hotel.
Then I had the beautiful salmon BLT.
Then we had Red Pepper again before getting out of town.
Then we had a great experience at the Smiling Moose in Fargo. I loved my Cream of Tomato Basil and Matt loved their personalized soda machine and their cookies….YUM.
Then we had Big Boy before heading out of town.
Best Meal??? Seriously??
Walking into Gordman’s
MJR: I’m going to go sit on the couch in the back.
ALR: Okay. (In head: no skin off my nose.)
20 minutes later
MJR walking toward ALR with picture
MJR (Excited tone): WHAT do you think?!!
ALR: I don’t have a problem with that, you are thinking for it to go by the bar?
MJR: Yeah!
ALR: Okay, if you want me to hold it, you are going to have to get me cart.
Pushing cart MJR: Okay, now I need to go try on pants. I had no clue it was this kinda store!!!
End result: Matt assumed it was a Hobby Lobby-ish store and spent more than Amanda did.
MJR: This is the gas station where Derek picked a fight with so and so and John wanted us to leave, but I just wanted a candy bar.
Later on:
MJR: This is the subway where Derek got into it with this big guy, John said we should leave, and I was pissed because I just wanted a sandwich.
Later on:
At the Red Pepper, MJR: So once Derek wouldn’t give up the white sauce, and I just wanted to eat my garbage plate, but John made us leave.
ALR: I’m beginning to notice a trend.