So the wind is still blowing.
So I’m ready for winter to take a hike. The only nice thing going on is that it’s lighter when I leave work.
Last weekend, we were busy. Michele and Randy came on Thursday night to get involved in the hog butchering festivities of the weekend. We started at 5 on Friday night. I had to get tutorials as we went. Matt enjoyed it so much. He’s really gotten into the butchering aspect whether it be hogs, steers, whatever. He got right into the cutting of roasts and chops. The first day was breaking them down and the second day was stuffing and sausage. We were done by 5 on Saturday.
On Sunday morning, before Randy and Michele left, we even enjoyed breakfast sausage for breakfast. We probably should have put up a fight when they left as they only made it to Bismarck. Highway 83 was closed forcing them to stay the night at my parents. I was glad that it worked out and everyone was safe, not ideal conditions with the weather, but glad that my parents welcomed them into the house and they also felt comfortable enough to stay.
Michele and Randy learned that we don't leave bread out in our house. |
Best meal: fresh porkchops with apples and steamed vegetables. Matt panfried the chops and even though I’m not a fan of apples, I enjoyed how good it was!
ALR: So our parents had a discussion on butchering while they were together. Mom even got out the Betty with the meat pics so they could further discuss it.
MJR: Yeah, that's what my mom said too. Maybe next year, we'll plan to have our own pigs.
ALR: I wouldn't rule it out.
MJR: It's so nice that our families can butcher together.
ALR: You are so weird.
MJR: What?? What's wrong with that.
ALR: Do you hear yourself, "it's so nice that our families can BUTCHER together."
MJR: What??
ALR: People say, It's nice our families can boat together. Camp together. You know.
MJR: Well, they can't do those things together.
ALR: I think you are missing my point.