I love summer…I love the heat, the sun, the drinks, the smell, I just love summer. This summer has been weird because of the rain that just won’t seem to break, the flooding that is tearing apart the state and people’s lives, and my own personal displacement. For the most part, I will admit I’ve got it pretty good. I’m continuing to live in Baldwin from Monday morning to Friday afternoon and on the weekends I typically have been going back to Dickinson. I haven’t always been staying put but when I’m back I’m still continuing to work on the house. It’s frustrating as there are some things that we will have to bring a contractor in for and because of that, the house is struggling. I’ve gotten a few offers and have countered but nothing seems to stick.
This past weekend, I did some clean up, some painting and had Matt help me with slight repairs when he wasn’t working. I know that I need to have patience but between the realtor that isn’t doing his job and the cantilever situation, it’s just disheartening. People keep telling me that the house should go fast, but it’s not. I know it’s okay and everything will work out in the end. The hard part is when my Bismarck realtor automatically sends pics of new houses on the market that would be perfect for me and I don’t want to see them or look or whatever because I’m tired of getting my hopes up. If it wasn’t for that autosend, I wouldn’t know as I’ve quite looking at the Bismarck MLS sites. So for the next little bit, I’ll keep my weekend home in mountain time zone and I’ll do business in the big city. Ha!
This is the part of the blog where I brag a bit about my weekend situation. I have been going back to work on the house, see Matt, have some space and my things around me, but also Matt cooks me amazing food. I’ve had ribs, porterhouses, ribeyes, sirloins, pork chops, breakfasts with bacon, eggs, fresh fruit….he’s grilled for me in the past but he’s also been experimenting with smoking over coals…and I am reaping the benefit of this little experiment! Ha! I contribute to the meal; don’t think that he does allll the work. This time, I contributed the appetizer of shrimp cocktail and southwestern dip and the last time he cooked I think I had the appetizer of pistachios. I do try to take on the sides too! I need to step it up though; he is beginning to question my ability to cook anything.
Work has been going really well. I will come off official probation in a few weeks but I’m starting to find my groove and how things go and the scope of the projects. Some of the clients I’m working with are State Fair, Tires Plus, Medora, and Northland College and soon I’ll be working with Grand River Casino….it’s been fun to see each project and what they are doing. My co workers are fun too so that’s an added bonus.
This coming weekend, I’ll be heading up to the State Park again to help Matt camp. I’m beginning to think he kinda likes me there, I’m a good helper!
“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”—John Quincy Adams