Hello, I’m Amanda and I’ve been a bad blogger!

Last weekend, I participated in Ashley and Jesse’s wedding. The wedding was in Hazen and the reception was in Beulah. She put so much time and planning into her wedding and it turned out so well. But my favorite part is that I was there the night that they first met…and I pulled Jesse aside and asked him if he was giving her the run-around because if he wasn’t interested in her, then he should just take a hike! He looked at me with all seriousness and said that he was interested and he wasn’t leading her on. I did have to thank him at the wedding for keeping his promise. And to top it off, I have to admit that it was one of the best bridesmaid’s dresses I’ve worn. It fit well and didn’t need to be constantly adjusted, that’s impressive!
We got snow this week…..ugh. I’m not ready for winter….not at all. In fact, I through a fit about the whole thing. I’m not ready for snow blowers, shovels, coats, mittens, snow, and wet. Let’s hope that this year Janice may be right about Dickinson and snow.

I didn’t do anything for Halloween this year…well I did take Dudley to the office trick-or-treating. He hates getting dressed up in shirts and sweatshirts; however, when he is a dragon he hates it even more! However, it makes me (and the cats) laugh!