Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Weekend--Past and future!
This weekend is Dan’s favorite unofficial holiday….SuperBowl! We are having a little get together at our house. I’m not much into the game but I know Dan is excited about having Sunday off and being able to relax and watch the game of the year! Go lions….well maybe next year!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Weekend Life!
On Saturday, Dickinson Chamber hosted their Bull Days Showcase. I do admit that they put a lot of work into the event—sponsors, booths, and participation from 3 states. This was the first time Moser Simmental attended. Grandma and Grandpa attended. Afterwards, we all came back to the house and I was able to show off! They really liked the house…or as Grandpa put it, “it’s not such a bad little shack!” :)
On Friday and Saturday night, we hung out with Kim, Jack, Lenny, and Miranda. We had so many laughs! We played “Apples to Apples”, “Loaded Question”, “Phase 10”, and “ImaginIff”. It’s nice to hang out with couples. The most surprising part is how well the guys hit it off! They are like 3 Peas in a Pod! Lenny now wants to start a band…as in Playstation Rock Band! We’ll see!
Next weekend, we are taking off to go to Bismarck! And all the things we will see….dishwashers, tiles, sheetrock, vanities, and maybe even showerheads! Lowes and Menards…Here we come!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
When he got to the house he was so scared. He just hid, I was worried that he was going to be too wild and I had made a mistake. He was so little it was easy to barricade him out of corners…he couldn’t even jump over the Christmas tree box!
His name was not the most obvious first pick. I wanted to name him Hamlet, my roommate said it was a lame name(obviously not a Shakespeare fan… “Something’s rotten in the state of creativity!). The only name my roommate came up with was Skitz, because he’d run from one side of the room to the other and up and down the stairs very quickly. I didn’t blame him, after being stuck in that window box for so long, I would want to run all over too! So ‘Skitz’ never had a chance.
He went nameless for about a week. I felt bad…we kept calling him Kitty…and I was scared that was going to stick! One of my favorite shows is “Gilmore Girls” and Lorelei, the main character, gets a dog and calls him PaulAnka. I thought this was hilarious, I guess it’s the Moser sense of humor! It is even better because I’ve met the real Paul Anka, he’s a very very short man with 7 or so daughters and they all have A names, one is Amanda even! TonyDanza’s name was kind of accidental. I came home and sat down and he tried to climb on my lap. I instantly knew who the boss was and then the epiphany came…TONYDANZA!
It fits well and he seems to like it…Some people call him Tony for short, not me though. Dan will sometimes call him T.D. or the Danza, what can I say…male bonding! He has won over Dan’s heart and is quick to love anyone that comes in the door! After all, not many kitties are acclaimed and practiced fetchers! He is better at catch and release than some dogs! I did laugh this past weekend, Kim and Jack Hayes were over and TonyDanza was carrying his mouse all over. Kim laughed and said, “Is he always with a mouse?” I explained that he was waiting for her to throw it and will keep following until he does. She picked it up and tossed it 4 feet, he actually looked at her and I could tell by his expression he was saying, “Are you kidding, Lady” I picked up the mouse and hurled it across the room. This caused him to go across the room after it!
He’s quite the cat and I wouldn’t trade him for anything…I am in the process of convincing Dan that maybe a second cat would be a wonderful idea…but I’m not holding my breath.
I think that little beast purring on my lap right now wouldn’t mind…it’s like he knows I’m talking about him!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Merry Christmas to One and ALL!

The picture shown is of the Lions blanket that I got for Daniel!
We have gone so many weeks in a row and are looking forward to a holiday breather! I think that Dickinson in bound to get another snow storm soon....I finally have shoveled most of the snow off the sidewalk (forget about the driveway, that's a lost cause until July). Daniel wants to buy a snow blower and I told him, "Go for it, good luck finding one!" I think he's got a snowball's chance in h*ll of actually locating one!
I started putting all the Christmas things away today, it isn't nearly as exciting as pulling them all out. I hate putting everything away and what's the odds that you get everything put away on the first try. There is always some snowman or Santa Claus that gets left behind!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Looking back at 2008...How far we've come
We have completely changed our lives. We both have new jobs in a new city in a new time zone! We bought a house and will be paying off mortagage payments for the next 30 years! Ahhh....Memories!
Dan is back at Dish Network and loving it, at least that's what he tells me! The snow and weather hasn't been his favorite but he's enjoying the freedom that he didn't have last time he worked for the company. I'm working at the Strom Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation as the HomeTown Competitiveness Project Director at Dickinson State University. (What a mouthful!) I work with communities in SW ND to help them sustain and support themselves! Ironically, Dan and I are visiting many of the same towns because of our job responsibilities!
So now on the corner of 9th and Park, we come home every night to our little orange kitty, TonyDanza. I look back on this past year and am shocked. I would never have dreamed to be working/living in Dickinson and "madly in love" with someone that gets me! If you are in the neighborhood, please stop in and see how we are getting along.